St Ouen’s bay is Jersey’s beach for sports, so if you want to come to the Island to surf, this is the beach for you. Almost five miles of fine golden sand covers a vast expanse of beach at low tide. The Atlantic Ocean provides a regular supply of waves giving Jersey some of the best beach breaks in Europe. If you want the room to play football on the beach this is the best beach in Jersey for you.

St Ouens Beach in August

St Ouens Beach in August

There is lots of parking in St Ouen’s Bay and lots of places to stop for food and refreshment including The Line Up (a mobile van opposite the golf course), The Watersplash, La Braye, Sands, Goldsmiths and Faulkeners Fisheries at La Tacque where you can get the best crab sandwiches.

Corbiere lighthouse in the distance

Corbiere lighthouse in the distance

The water quality is exceptional in Jersey and St Ouens as can be expected of almost all Jersey beaches has some of the cleanest least polluted waters for bathing anywhere in Europe.

St Ouens Bay

St Ouens Bay

The Watersplash is a favorite place to just hang out and full of Surfers of all ages, either waiting for the surf, getting in the surf or sitting around after a surf. You will also sometimes see Paragliding in Jersey or Blow Karting or Kite Surfers in fact almost any beach and water based sport can at some time, be seen in St Ouens.

Para Gliders at St Ouens

Para Gliders at St Ouens

Lifeguards patrol the beach in the tourist season and position flags to indicate the area they are watching, which will be away from rips and undertows. They also indicate where you should not swim as Surf areas are restricted areas for swimmers. If you are in doubt ask a lifeguard that is why they are there.

Blow Karting on St Ouens Bay

Blow Karting on St Ouens Bay

You can hire Surfboards or Boogie Boards at El Tico, The Watersplash, La Braye and Sands. Surf lessons are available from most of the places you hire boards these place also sell sun tan lotion, board shorts, bikini’s and most other beach essentials.

Surfing at St Ouens

Surfing at St Ouens

St Ouens is an exposed beach with the Atlantic Ocean stretching out all the way to America. It is a great place to kick back and enjoy the fresh air and nature with dramatic sand dunes just across the road giving a dramatic backdrop to every sunset.

The Watersplash at Sunset

The Watersplash at Sunset

St Ouens is great place to breath fresh air and one of Jersey most popular beaches, just be aware this is a beach where nature will remind you it is in charge if you ever forget. If there is one beach not to missed when you visit Jersey it has to be St Ouens Bay which is an essential part of the Jersey beach lifestyle in the summer.

Best Weather Conditions: When the wind blows hard from the west St Ouens is not the best for sunbathing and the water comes right up against the wall at high tide. Best enjoyed at low tide with a southerly wind. You can also go towards La Bray when the tide is high or up past goldsmiths.

Parking: Good and easy

Access: Easy by steps or slip

Bus service: Buses number 12 and 12a

Refreshments: Lots of Café’s and Restaurants along the wall

Deck Chair Hire: Yes

Water sports: Surf boards available to hire and tuition available

Toilets: Yes

Disabled Toilets: Yes

Lifeguards: Yes

St Ouen's Bay
Saint Peter JE3 7, UK
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