Over the years the structure of our Jersey farms has changed. In 1866 there were over 12,000 head of cattle on 1808 holdings. In 1973 there were 8,000 head of cattle on 344 farms, whereas, in 2003 there are approximately 3,500 head of cattle on 35 farms sending milk to the dairy. A quota licensing system was introduced that regulates milk production on the island to a level that can be successfully marketed by our dairy.
Traditionally, local family’s produced Jersey milk as part of their own farming operation for their private consumption, with any surplus sold at market. By the early part of the 20th century there were around 30 small private dairies established and dotted around the island collecting milk from farms and selling directly to the public.
The Jersey Milk Marketing Board is made up of a voluntary cooperative of 28 Dairy Farmers. All of these farmers, their farms and cows are to be found in Jersey so when we say our products are made from Jersey Milk we really mean Jersey Milk.
Over the course of this year we intend to include specific detail about our farmers so you can learn more about how they work and what life is like farming in Jersey. Here are few facts in the meantime:

A Jersey Cow
Committed to the 5 freedoms of animal welfare
from hunger
from discomfort
from pain, injury and distress
to perform normal patterns of behaviour
from fear and distress
and the 7 key categories
hygiene and food safety
housing and facilities
plant and equipment
feed stuffs and water
herd health
stockmanship and training
contingency procedures and action plans
In 1954, due to varying demand, the problem of surplus milk and the desire to benefit from economies of scale, the States of Jersey intervened and established the Jersey Milk Marketing Board, under the provision of the Milk Marketing Scheme (Approval) (Jersey) Act 1954. The JMMB, a farmer’s Co-operative established its own dairy who was totally responsible for the collection, quality control, production, distribution, sales and marketing of all milk produced within the island.

Jersey Cow
In 1966, we transferred our operation from Don Street to a new dairy at Five Oaks as the only milk processing plant in the island, which is still used as our current premises today.
We are accredited to both ISO 9000 and the British Retail Consortium Technical Standard Higher Level for ice-cream. We also hold the Soil Association accreditation for the production and packaging of organic products.
Milk and Organic Milk, Luxury Ice Cream. cream fat reduced and full fat milk. Luxury yogurt low fat yogurt. Mature and mild cheese Butter salted and unsalted single cream soft cone ice cream mix UHT Milk whipping cream.