Plemont Bay is on the North West coast of Jersey it is one of our unique beaches that give Jersey a diversity of fabulous clean beaches bringing visitors back year after year. At high tide the sand is covered and you will need to us the stairs to get down from the cliffs to the beach. It is a good idea to make sure the tide is low before you get to Plemont Bay and discover it is covered by the sea. Although the view from the Cafe on a high tide makes having any meal there a memorable experience.
Plemont at high tide

Plemont at high tide

The beach is sandy and often has large shallow pools of sea water cut

into it by the tide and currents. The shallow pools are very popular with children and adults. There are also caves to be explored and after some rain you will find a waterfall which falls in front of a cave and creates a fresh water stream which runs down the beach to the sea. On a calm sea when the tide is high you can swim up under the waterfall and into the cave.

Plemont Bay

Plemont Bay at high tide

Often featuring in Jersey tourism advertising Plemont Bay has some incredible photography opportunities for gambling online casinos the enthusiast and the views out of the caves towards the beach are stunning.

Plemont beach cafe

Plemont beach cafe

Not a suitable beach for the disabled or frail the only access is down steep steps and a bridge. There are beach life guards stationed at the top above the cafe. The water here can be both exciting and sometimes a bit rough which is why we have lifeguards stationed here. There can be good surf and Boogie Boarders and Surfers often use this beach.

Plemont Beach

Plemont Beach

The wave is a beach break with a soft sandy bottom and waves break close to the shore so even if you have no experience in surfing you can have great fun playing in the surf without having to go into deep water.

Plemont beach Jersey

Plemont beach Jersey

The beach cafe serves continental food which you can get as a takeaway if you want to eat it on the beach. They also sell other beach necessities such as sun cream, buckets and spades and sun hats.

Plemont beach at low tide

Plemont beach at low tide

When the tide is right, the sun is out and there are a few waves you have to be early because the car park will be full of locals ready to spend the whole day enjoying Plemont Bay.

Parking: Easy but can get busy near the steps and then you have to park on the top of the clifs

Access: By steep stairs only

Bus service: No 8

Refreshments: Cafe

Deck Chair Hire: No

Water sports: No Hire, Surfing

Toilets: Yes

Disabled Toilets: No

Lifeguards: Yes

Plemont Bay Jersey
Plemont Bay Jersey and Plemont Beach Cafe
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